Initially started as Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM) in 1997, this institute was prefixed with ABV in 2002 to honour the then Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee. As part of organizational restructuring process, in August 2022 four departments were carved out and Information Technology (IT) is one among those. Department of IT is housed in Block-A with adequate facilities to cater the needs of all its stakeholders.
The current information age is enabled by the interconnection of millions of electronic computers (desktop, laptop computers and sophisticated mobile phones, embedded devices etc.) and is the key driver for the global economy. Information digitization revolutionized the way information can be used in a decentralized manner at varying scale and variety of purposes for the societal good. This resulted in the emergence of several service and product-oriented IT industries employing millions of manpower drawn from different disciplines of engineering, technology, economics, sciences, management etc. to develop and maintain the IT infrastructure and applications. This branch of technology is thus become an indispensable arm of society that primarily deals with:
- Maintaining, troubleshooting of the interconnected computing machinery
- Development of software applications that run over the networked systems
- Maintenance of software systems for a glitch free operation
- Research on various IT systems and applications towards sophisticated IT systems
- Wireless communication and networks
The department envisions to produce world class IT professionals, researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs by enabling them to take up real life challenges.
❖ To offer high-quality UG and PG programmes in IT field to enable our graduates to become leaders in their profession.
❖ To provide best infrastructure facilities to achieve excellence in teaching-learning process and research.
❖ To enhance students’ knowledge in the latest technologies through various activities.
❖ To provide suitable forums for exhibiting creative talents of students and faculty members.
❖ To offer IT solutions by encouraging Industry-Institute interaction.
The department at present offers the following courses however has plans to offer new courses from academic session 2023-24.
- 5-year Integrated M.Tech programme in Information Technology termed as IMT where in the graduates are offered dual degree of B.Tech. in IT + M.Tech in IT upon completion of the required credits. The programme has an intake of 129 students through JEE Mains and counselling through JOSAA. Early exit option is available as per the New Education Policy of Govt. of India. In such a case a candidate exits the programme with B.Tech. in IT.
- 2-year M.Tech. programme in Computer Networks termed as M.Tech (CN) with intake of 15 candidates admitted through CCMT.
- 2-year M.Tech. programme in Information Technology termed as M.Tech (IT) - admission through CCMT.
- Doctoral research leading to PhD in Information Technology in diverse domains of IT. Admission to this program is through Institute level selection process. The selected candidates are offered fellowship as per the norms applicable to institutes under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
Course Structure: (for 2023 batch onwards)
Head of the department
Prof. Mahua Bhattacharya
Area of Interest - Medical image processing, soft computing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence
Office Phone No.- +91-751-2449828
Address - A Block -Cabin No. 201, ABV-IIITM, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.)
Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1. Wireless Network and IoT Lab
2. Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab.
3. Wireless Sensor Network Lab.
4. Data Communication and Hardware Lab.
K.K. Pattanaik is in the Advisory Board - Scientific Consultation Panel at the Digital Innovation Centre (DiGInnoCent s.r.o. based at Czech Republic in the area of Distributed Computing and Industrial IoT. DIC has collaboration with 13 countries executing several projects pan Europe and outside.
Mahendra K. Shukla was recently appointed as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Sensors Letters.
Mahendra K. Shukla was recently appointed as an Editor (Technical Committee) for the Elsevier Computer Communications.
“Development of Communication System lab”, funding agency – AICTE, duration – 2 years, budget = 9 Lakhs. (Completed).
“Cross-layer optimization of wireless mesh networks using advanced physical layer technologies”, funding agency – ABV-IIITM, duration – 2 years, budget = 10 Lakhs. (Completed).
“Design of Novel Strategies to Improve the Performance of the Next Generation Cellular Networks” under TEQIP III (MHRD) Collaborative Research Scheme. 37 lakhs (Completed).
“Industrial and Domestic monitoring and control using a decentralized cyber-physical system”, SERB-DST, 19.07 lakhs (Completed).
“Malware Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques for Industrial Control Systems” Sanctioned by C3iHUB (Company floated by IIT Kanpur), 15.07 lakhs.
Recent Activities of the Department:
- Workshop on “Technological challenges in Digital Financial Inclusion” 2023
- IEEE 6th Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT 2022).
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) FDP on “Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and IoT” 2022.
- Atal Research and Incubation Conclave (ARIC’22).
- Rajoria, A. Trivedi, W. Wilfred Godfrey, “Energy efficiency optimization for MM-NOMA heterogeneous network with wireless backhauling and energy harvesting,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 159, 2023, 154477, ISSN 1434-8411, (
- Dixit, A. Trivedi, W.W. Godfrey: A survey of cyber-attacks on blockchain based IoT systems for Industry 4.0. IET Blockchain 00, 1– 15 (2022).
- Swami, M.K. Mishra, V. Bhatia, T. Ratnarajah, A. Trivedi, “Performance Analysis of sub-6 GHz/mmWave NOMA Hybrid-HetNets using Partial CSI,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 12, Dec. 2022, pp. 12958-12971. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3198144.
- Gupta, A. Trivedi, and B. Prasad, “B-GWO based multi-UAV deployment and power allocation in NOMA assisted wireless networks”, Wireless Networks, pp. 1-13, 2022.
- Gupta, A. Trivedi, and B. Prasad, “Deployment and trajectory design of fixed-wing UAVs in NOMA assisted wireless networks”, Physical Communication, vol. 54, 2022.
- Gupta, A. Trivedi, and B. Prasad, “Multi-UAV deployment for NOMA-enabled wireless networks based on IMOGWO algorithm”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 153, August 2022, 154291.
- Kaur, P. Chanak, M. Bhattacharya, “A Green Hybrid Congestion Management Scheme for IoT-enabled WSNs” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022.
- Sharma, A. Mandloi, and M. Bhattacharya, “A Novel DeepML Framework for Multi-classification of Breast Cancer based on Transfer Learning “, accepted in International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiely, 2022 (SCI, IF= DOI: 10.1002/ima.22745.
- Shanker and Bhattacharya, “Classification of brain MR images using Modified version of Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network and Linear Programming Twin Support Vector Machines” (published online March 2022) J of Supercomputing, Springer (I.F. 2.6) 2022.
- Natarajan, Anjali, R. Venigalla and V. J. Lekha, “Medical Information Modeling for Diabetes Based on Logistic Regression,” Handbook of Research on Mathematical Modeling for Smart Healthcare Systems, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 279-305. DOI:10.4018/978-1-6684-4580-8.ch015.
- Mahajan, Anjali, and P.C. Lisna, “Prediction of Human Emotions by Neural Oscillations”, “International Journal of Modern Developments in Engineering and Science” vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 23–27, Oct. 2022.
- J. Pandey, T. Yuvaraj, J. K. Paul, Ha H. Nguyen, K. Gundepudi, and M. K. Shukla, Improving Energy Efficiency and QoS of LPWANs for IoT Using Q-Learning Based Data Routing, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 365-379, March 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCCN.2021.3114147.
- Nain, K.K. Pattanaik, G. K. Sharma. Towards Edge Computing in Intelligent Manufacturing: Past, Present and Future. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 62, 2022, Pages 588-611. 9.498.
- Dixit and R. Dixit, “Forgery Detection in Medical Images with Distinguished Recognition of Original and Tampered Regions using Density-based Clustering Technique”, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), vol. 130, 109652, 2022. DOI: [Impact Factor: 8.263] (SCI, Q1).
- Jain, R.K. Verma, K.K. Pattanaik, A. Shukla. A Survey on Event-driven and Query-driven Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Mobile Sink based Wireless Sensor Networks, The Journal of Supercomputing. 2.557.
- Pawar and A. Trivedi, “Joint Uplink-Downlink Resource Allocation for D2D Underlaying Cellular Network”, in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 8352-8362, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2021.3116947.
- Rajoria, A. Trivedi, W.W. Godfrey, “Sum-rate optimization for NOMA based two-tier hetnets with massive MIMO enabled wireless backhauling,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 132, 2021,
- Rajoria, A. Trivedi, W.W. Godfrey. Energy Efficiency Optimization for Massive MIMO Backhaul Networks with Imperfect CSI and Full Duplex Small Cells. Wireless Pers Commun (2021).
- Kaur, P. Chanak, M. Bhattacharya, “Obstacle Aware Intelligent Fault Detection Scheme for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Online First December 2021. (DOI 10.1109/TII.2021.3133347, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IF=10.215.
- Shanker and M. Bhattacharya,” Automated Diagnosis system for detection of the pathological brain using Fast version of Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network and Twin Support Vector Machine”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, pp. 1-24, May 2021. [SCI, I.F- 2.757].
- Kaur, P. Chanak, M. Bhattacharya, “Energy-Efficient Intelligent Routing Scheme for IoT-Enabled WSNs, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 14, July 15, 2021, pp: 11440-11449 (I.F.11.705).
- Sharma, V.S. Goudar, M.P. Koduri, F.G. Tseng, M. Bhattacharya, "Quantitative and qualitative analysis of in-vitro co-culture 3D tumor spheroid model by employing image processing techniques", Applied Sciences, vol. 11 no. 10, pp.4636., 2021. [SCI Indexed, IF: 2.679] [DOI:].
- Gauttam, K.K. Pattanaik, S. Bhadouria. Cost Aware Topology Formation Scheme for Latency Sensitive Applications in Edge Infrastructure-as-a-Service Paradigm. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 7.574.
- Mehto, S. Tapaswi, K.K. Pattanaik. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization based rendezvous point selection for the energy and delay efficient networked wireless sensor data acquisition. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 7.574.
- Jain, K.K. Pattanaik, R. Verma, A. Shukla. EDVWDD: Event-Driven Virtual Wheel-based Data Dissemination for Mobile Sink-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2.557.
- Mehto, S. Tapaswi, K.K. Pattanaik. Optimal rendezvous points selection to reliably acquire data from wireless sensor networks using mobile sink. Computing. IF 2.42.
- Dixit and S. Bag, “A Fast Technique to Detect Copy-move Image Forgery with Reflection and Non-affine Transformation Attacks”, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), vol. 182, 115282, 2021. DOI: [Impact Factor: 8.665] (SCI, Q1).
- Dixit and S. Bag, “Adaptive Clustering-based Approach for Forgery Detection in Images Containing Similar Appearing but Authentic Objects”, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), vol. 113(A), 107893, 2021. DOI: [Impact Factor: 8.263] (SCI, Q1).
- Xuan Li, Hong-Ning Dai, M. K. Shukla, Dengwang Li, Huaqiang Xu, M. Imran, Friendly-Jamming Schemes to Secure Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications in 5G and Beyond Communications, Elsevier Computer Standards & Interfaces, Published, DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2021.103540, Oct. 2021.
- K. Shukla, Ha H. Nguyen, and O.J Pandey, Multiuser Full-Duplex IoT Networks with Wireless-Powered Relaying: Performance Analysis and Energy Efficiency Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Published, 10.1109/TGCN.2020.3008409, Jul. 2020 (In the list of most popular papers of IEEE TGCN, Jul. 2020, Sept. 2020, Nov. 2020, Feb. 2021-Apr. 2021).
- Shanker R and M. Bhattacharya, “An automated Computer-Aided Diagnosis system for classification of MR images using texture features and Gbest- Guided Gravitational Search Algorithm”, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 40, Elsevier, pp:815-835, 2020. (IF: 4.314)
- Sharma and M. Bhattacharya, “Discrimination and Quantification of Live/Dead Rat Brain Cells using Non-Linear Segmentation Model”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Springer -Verlag, pp: 1-20,: Mar 19, 2020. (IF: 2.6).
- Kaur, P. Chanak, and M. Bhattacharya, “Memetic Algorithm Based Data Gathering Scheme for IoT-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Sensors Journal, v 20, no. 19, October, pp: 11725-11734, 2020, (IF: 3. 78).
- Rane, R. Mehrotra, S. Bhattacharyya, M. Sharma, M. Bhattacharya, “A Novel Attention Fusion Network based Framework to Ensemble the Predictions of CNNs for Lymph Node Metastases Detection”, J of Supercomputing, Springer, 2020 (Accepted) (Published online on 21st Sept. 2020, The Journal of Supercomputing https:// (IF: 2.6).
- Qubeijian Wang, Hong-Ning Dai, Xuran Li, M. K. Shukla, M. Imran, Artificial Noise Aided Scheme to Secure UAV-assisted Internet of Things with Wireless Power Transfer, Computer Communications, Published, DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2020.09.017, Sept. 2020.
- Mehto, S. Tapaswi, K.K. Pattanaik. (2020). Virtual grid-based rendezvous point and sojourn location selection for energy and delay efficient data acquisition in wireless sensor networks with mobile sink. Wireless Networks (WINE), Springer. 2.701.
- Dixit and S. Bag, “Composite Attacks-based Copy-move Image Forgery Detection using AKAZE and FAST with Automatic Contrast Thresholding”, IET Image Processing (IET Digital Library), vol. 14, no. 17, pp. 4528–4542, 2020. DOI: [Impact Factor: 1.773] (SCI, Q3).
- Dixit and S. Bag, “Utilization of Edge Operators for Localization of Copy-move Image Forgery using WLD-HOG Features with Connected Component Labelling”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), vol. 79, no. 35, pp. 26061–26097, 2020. DOI: [Impact Factor: 2.577] (SCI, Q2).
- J. Pandey, V. Gautam, S. Jha, M. K. Shukla, and R. M. Hegde, Time Synchronized Node Localization Using Optimal H-Node Allocation in a Small World WSN, IEEE Communications Letters, Published, 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3008086, Jul. 2020.
- J. Pandey, V. Gautam, Ha H. Nguyen, M. K. Shukla, and R. M. Hegde, Fault-Resilient Distributed Detection and Estimation over a SW-WSN Using LCMV Beamforming, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Published, DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2020.2988994, Apr. 2020.
- Yalin Liu, Hong-Ning Dai, Qubeijian Wang, M. K. Shukla, M. Imran, unmanned aerial vehicle for internet of everything: Opportunities and challenges, Computer Communications, Published, DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2020.03.017, Mar. 2020.
- Qubeijian Wang, Hong-Ning Dai, Qiu Wang, M. K. Shukla, Wei Zhang, Carlos Guedes Soares, On Connectivity of UAV-assisted Data Acquisition for Underwater Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Published, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2979691, Mar. 2020.
- K. Shukla, Ha H. Nguyen, and O.J. Pandey, Secrecy Outage Analysis of Two-Way Relay Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 39502-39512, Feb. 2020.
- K. Shukla and Ha H. Nguyen, Ergodic Secrecy Sum Rate Analysis of a Two-Way Relay NOMA System, IEEE Systems Journal, Published, DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2978042, Feb 2020.
- Anjali and V. Singh, “Parametric versus non-parametric time series forecasting methods: a review”; Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp. 165 – 171, 2020. (Scopus) ISSN: 1791-2377.
- Anjali and V. Singh, “CNN-VSR: A deep learning architecture with validation based stopping rule for time series classification”, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor and Francis, Vol. 34, Issue 2, Pages 101-124 18 Jan. 2020, (SCI) Print ISSN: 0883-9514 Online ISSN: 1087-6545.
- Jain, K.K. Pattanaik, R. Verma, S. Bharti, A. Shukla. Delay-aware Green Routing for Mobile Sink based Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IOT-J). IF 10.238.
- Verma, K.K. Pattanaik, P. B. R. Dissanayake, A.J. Dammika, Samith Buddika H. A. D., Mosbeh R. Kaloop. (2020). Damage Detection in Bridge Structures: An Edge Computing Approach.
- Jain, K.K. Pattanaik, A. Kumar, P. Bellavista. Energy and congestion aware routing based on hybrid gradient fields for wireless sensor networks. Wireless Networks (WINE), Springer. IF 2.701.
- Verma, K.K. Pattanaik, S. Bharti, D. Saxena, J. Cao (2020). A Query Processing Framework for Efficient Network Resource Utilization in Shared Sensor Networks, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), IF 2.56.
- Sapna, K.K. Pattanaik, A. Trivedi, (2020). A dynamic distributed boundary node detection algorithm for management zone delineation in Precision Agriculture, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, Vol 167, 2020, 102712, IF 7.574.
- Verma, K.K. Pattanaik, S. Bharti. (2020). Query Similarity Index Based Query Pre-processing Mechanism for Multiapplication Sharing Wireless Sensor Networks. Telecommunication Systems, Springer. Vol 74(4), pp 477-485. IF 2.314.
- R. Singh, A. Trivedi, “Physical Layer Security for Wireless Powered Massive MIMO Decode and Forward Relay Systems with Hardware Impairments: Performance Analysis,” Wireless Pers Commun (2020).
- Sapna, K.K. Pattanaik, A. Trivedi, “A dynamic distributed boundary node detection algorithm for management zone delineation in Precision Agriculture,” Elsevier’s Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 167, 2020,
The department envisions its growth plan spread over the time horizon of five years.
- Transform undergraduate and graduate student learning and academic support towards student success and the development of skilled and engaged graduates prepared for the evolving technology spectrum through implementation of NEP framework.
- Reconceptualise and affirm the collaborative engagement among faculty and students that ensures the outcome meets the needs of the engaged students.
- Achieve high-impact, translational, and innovative research, scholarship, and creative work that aligns with societal challenges leading to sustainable, economical, and better human experience.
- Introduce one/two PG programs by 2023/2024 in collaboration with IT industry.