Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Prof. Mahua Bhattacharya

Prof. Mahua Bhattacharya

Designation: Professor

Department: Information Technology

Honour: Ph.D.(Tech), University of Calcutta , Place of Work: Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta

Experience: 28 years

Area of Interest: Medical image processing, soft computing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence

Office Phone : +91-751-2449828 (Office)

Residence Phone: NA

Address: A Block -Cabin No. 201, ABV-IIITM, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.)

Email: mb@iiitm.ac.in

Website: NA


Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya
e-mail: mb@iiitm.ac.in, mahuabhatta@gmail.com

Designation : Professor ( Information & Communication Technology )

ABV Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management
Morena Link Road, Gwalior 474010, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Contact : +91- 0751 -2449828 (O)


Ph.D. (Tech.) 2001, University of Calcutta, Radio Physics & Electronics
(Place of work: Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, from 1995 -2000)

Title of the thesis : “Studies On Bio-Medical Image Processing Of Different Modalities For Diagnostics and Therapeutic Planning” under the supervision of

Professor D Dutta Majumder of Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta


M.Tech (Radio Physics and Electronics), Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta

B.Tech (Radio Physics and Electronics) Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta

B.Sc ( Physics Honors ) Bethune College , University of Calcutta,

Higher Secondary (W B Council) , Bethune College, Calcutta

Secondary (WB Board of Secondary Education), Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Sister Nivedita  Girls’ School, Calcutta

Details of Employment

Professor , ABV Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior
Associate Professor, ABV Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior
Reader, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg. W. B. University of Technology, Calcutta
Assistant Professor , W.B. University of Technology, Calcutta
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
Research Scientist Indian Statistical Institute Calcutta

**** from 2003 –2006 : Visiting Faculty , Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics,
University of Calcutta

Research Interests  & Specialization
Image Processing for Bio Medical Application, Computer Vision in Agriculture, Study of Cell Morphology using Computer Vision Based Techniques, Soft Computing , Pattern Recognition,
Artificial Intelligence, Image Security                            

Details of Ph.D Supervision


1.) A. Das

Title of the thesis : Some   Studies  on   Medical  Image  Processing  Methods and  Their Implementation 

2.) D. S. Rajput

Title of the thesis :  Novel  and  Robust  Methods for Clustering High  Dimensional Dataset

3.) P .S. Rana

The Title of thesis: A Qualitative Study of  Protein Structure using Psychiochemical Properties

4.) S Deiv

Title of the thesis:  Design and Development Of Speaker Adaptation for Automatic Speech Recognition

5.) M  Kashyap

Title of the thesis : Medical Image Registration by Locating  Reliable  Landmarks  and  Constructing Robust  Region  Descriptors   

6.) R Sanker

Title of the Thesis : Development of Computer Assisted Diagnostic System for Detection and Classification of Space Occupying Lesion in Brain using Multimodal Medical Imaging

7.) M Sharma

Title of the thesis: –Development of Image  Processing and Machine Learning-Based Techniques  for  MicroscopicCell  Image  Analysis Submitted

8.) G Kaur

Design and Development of High Performance Large Scale  Wireless Sensor  Network For  IOT  Applications

On going

9.) S Mishra

Study of DNA Sequence Using Machine Learning  for cancer growth  prediction

10.) P Verma   

Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Precession Agriculture in digital farming

In Charge of Research Laboratory

Visual Information Processing Lab

This lab provides facilities for IPG , M Tech students for practical classes, execution of sponsored projects and research works .

Medical Informatics Lab:

This lab is equipped with infrastructure for execution of external funded projects, and research projects. The lab is used by the M Tech and Ph.D. scholars and also by the project scientists.


Sponsored Project (Completed & Undergoing)

1. Principal Investigator : Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya

Title of the project : Development of PC Based Software for Conventional X-ray Image Enhancement Using Image Processing Techniques
Dept. of Science and Technology ( Ministry of Science and Technology , Govt. of India) (2003 -2004).
(Completed )

2. Principal Investigator: Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya

Title of the project: Digital Watermarking of Video
Dept. of Information Comm.Technology (Ministry of Information Technology,GOI, 2008-2010
(Completed )

3. Principal Investigator: Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya

Title of the Project: CTI (computer telephony integration) based Call Centre Software In Collaboration with SM Telesys Ltd. Noida, Department of Science and Industrial Research, Govt. of India) 2011 -2013
(Completed )

4. Principal Investigator : Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya

Title of the project: Vision Based Expert Systems for Vacuum Picking of Cotton,
(2013, April – 2018 March)
Department of Science and Technology (Govt. of India),
In collaboration with CSIR-CMERI, Centre for excellence for Farm Machinery,
Ludhiana , Punjab 

5.Principal Investigator : Prof. Mahua Bhattacharya

Title of the Project: To Study the Effect of Electromagnetic Radiations On Biological Cell / Tissues Using Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques, (2015- 2019 March)_
Department of Science and Technology (Govt. of India) and Department of Telecommunication (DoT),Ministry of Telecommunication & Information Technology, Govt. of India

 In collaboration with Life Science Division, Manipal University,
Manipal, Karnataka

(Completed )

6. Principal Investigator : Prof. Mahua Bhattacharya

Title of the Project: Project titled "Morphological and Neurobiological Changes in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Affected Patients (SCA) through MRI Techniques Using Computer Vision Based Analysis”.
((2018 - November- )
SERB, Department of Science and Technology (Govt. of India), in Collaboration with All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, NMR Division , New Delhi
(On- Going )

7. Co-Principal Investigator : Prof. Mahua Bhattacharya in Collaboration with          IIT, Kharagpur    ( (2019 -   ) Title  of the Project:  “Centre of Excellence for Digital Farming Solutions for Enhancing Productivity by Robots, Drones and AGVs (DFA )”National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), Indian Council of Agricultural Research


Awards and Professional Recognition

National Scholarship on the basis of Secondary Exam. Results from West Bengal Govt.
Chameli Basu Award for highest proficiency in Physics (Hons) Part I exam from the Bethune College Committee , Calcutta University,
National Scholarship on the basis of B.Sc Physics Honours Results, Calcutta University
Frank George Awards UK (2000) for the paper ‘Cybernetic Approach To Medical Technology : Application To Cancer Screening And Other Diagnostics’ WOSC – The World Organisation Of Systems & Cybernetics) UK, the millennium volume of ‘Kybernetes’, the International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, August 2000.
Selected Member of Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society, 2006, UK
(Member body of International Association of Pattern Recognition and affiliated to International
Federation of Classification Societies IFCS)
Session Chair in the Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune 17th -19th Dec. 2007.
Name of the session: Classification and Pattern Recognition

Editorial Board Member for International J of Soft Computing and Bioinformatics
Member of Review committee of IEEE Transactions on Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society, Information Sciences (Elsevier), Computerized Medical imaging and Graphics (Elsevier), Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), Information Fusion (Elsevier), Computer Methods and Programs in biomedicine (Elsevier), Wiely Journals, J of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems-IOS Press
Member of the Program Committee for Intl. Conference International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-08), 7th - 10th July, Orlando, Florida, USA 2008.
Co –Ordinator of MHRD/ AICTE sponsored summer school at IIITM Gwalior on ”Computer Vision, Graphics & Multimedia CVGM -08”, 4th Aug. – 8th Aug. 2008.
Chairing Technical Session in NSC -08 (National Student Convention) organized by Computer Society of India, 22nd Aug 2008, Gwalior.
Member of Reviewer Committee for First International Conference on HCI ( Springer ), 20th -23rd Jan. 2009, Allahabad.
Member of Program Committee in International Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing, August 3-6, 2009, Shanghai, China.
Member of Program Committee in World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing , Coimbatore, December, 2009.
Member Review committee for IEEE conf. on HCI , January 2010, Allahabad, India
Convenor, International Neural Network Society – INNS Central India. 2011
Session Chair in World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp 2011) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July, 2011
Session: (a) Frameworks, Tools and Standards (b) Learning Tools and Strategies
International Program Committee member IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine IEEE BIBM Atlanta, USA, 2011.
In International Advisory Committee of IEEE TISC, Tamilnadu, 2011.
National Advisory Committee, ADCONS 2011(Intl Conf. On Advanced Computing, ( Networking and Security), NIT Suratkal, December, 2011.
Session Organizer and representation as Expert Panel member in XXX meeting in IAN( Indian Academy of NeuroScience), Amritsar, 27th Oct - 31st Oct, 2012.
Title of the session: Computational neuroscience
Secretary and Program Chair of , International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence, 24th -26th August, 2013, New Delhi (co sponsorer of INNS - Intl. Neural Network Society )
PC member PReMI 2013, ISI Calcutta
IEEE BIBM 2014 PC member and Session Chair, UK Belfast, Nov 2014
ISCBI 2013 Pogram Chair and Secretary
ISCMI 2014, Prgram Chair
Reviewer of Govt. funded projects
PC member IEEE BIBM 2015
Work shop organizer IEEE BIBM 2015, Washington DC, USA
Title of the workshop: Machine Learning in Decision Making for Biomedical Applications
International Neural Network Society (India Chapter), Co-ordinator North and Central 2012 till 2015
International Neural Network Society (India Chapter) President 2016 -2020
Editorial board member for the journal Neural Computing and Applications (Springer)
Project Reviewer of Govt. Sponsored projects
PC member IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Shenzhen China 15 -18 Dec. 2016,
PC Member, Session Chair and Speaker, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Kansas. USA, November 2017.

National / International Invitation :

Talk delivered as Invited Speaker :

1. Invited talk in the seminar on ‘Computers in Medical Technology’Birla industrial Museum and Science Association of Bengal , 1998.
Topic of the lecture : Cancer Screening Using Image Analysis

2. Invited Lectureon ‘Bioinformatics and its prospects in India’ organized by Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE,) 12-13March 2004.
Topic of the lecture : Development of Intelligent System for Diagnosis of Diseases Using Different Modality Imaging : A Challenge in Medical Technology’

3. Invited talk in the Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Guwahati (Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) for the workshop on ‘Recent Trends and New Directions of Research in Cybernetics and Systems Theory’ , January 2004.
Topic of the lecture : Knowledge Based Approach to Medical Image Processing

4. Invited  lecture in ‘Third International Conference of Applied Mathematics, Plovdiv , Bulgaria, 12th August - 18th August , 2006.
Topic ‘New Mathematical Approaches to Study Abnormality in Both Hard and Soft Tissue Regions for Therapeutic Planning’

5. Lecture delivered at MHRD /AICTE sponsored Summer scho:ol on CVGM-08 at IIITM, 4th Aug. -8th Aug. 2008.

6. Invited Talk at, VECC (Department of Atomic Energy, GOI ), Salt Lake, Kolkata 22nd April, 2009.
Topic of Lecture: Medical Image Processing: Case Studies for Breast cancer Screening

7. Invited Speaker in SWIC (Symposium on Intelligent Computing), September , Bhubaneswar, 2011.
Topic of Lecture: Artificial Intelligence and Medical Technology
8. Invited Speaker in International Workshop FRUAA (Fuzzy Sets , Rough Sets, Uncertainty Analysis and Applications), NIT Durgapur, November, 2011.
Topic of Lecture: Soft Computing Paradigm for Medical Image Analysis in Therapeutic Planning

9. Invited Speaker in IEEE TISC (Trendz in Information Sciences and Computing), Tamilnadu, Satyabama University. December, 2011.
Topic of Lecture: Computational Aspects of Medical Image Analysis for Diagnostic Procedures
10. Invited Speraker, North Maharastra University (16th – 17th Jan. 2012) in the national
seminar on sponsored by UGC “ NLP and Image Processing” , Jalgaon, Maharastra, 2012.
Topic of Lecture: Aspects of Image Processing in Various Applications
11. Invited Speaker, KPIT Cummins, Pune 3rd Feb. 2012.
12. Invited Speaker 8th Biyani International Conference , Sept. 2013, Jaipur Rajasthan.
Topic: Detection of Breast Cancer”
13. Expert Lecture on “ Applcation on Soft computing” sponsored by UGC at Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal, February, 2014
14. Invited talk at Jiwaji University, School of Mathematics at 2nd National Women Conference 2015 on ˜Women in Science Promoting Excellence and Innovation for Future Development” on March 25-27, 2015. sponsored by UGC, Topic of the talk : Computer  Assisted  Procedure for   Detection  of  Breast  Cancer : A  Threat  to  Women   Health.
15. Expert lecture at RGTU, Bhopal on UGC sponsored TEQIP .30th April, 2015, “Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing Techniques” Under TEQIP Phase II (28th April- 02nd May 2015)
Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University Institute of Technology
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (State Technological University of Madhya Pradesh), Bhopal – 462033.
16. Speaker IEEE BIBM 2015, Washington DC, November. 2015

17. Speaker, Anchor ISCMI 2015, Hongkong
18. Expert Speaker in the International Workshop – “For Research On The Possible Impact Of EMF Radiation Exposure From Mobile Towers And Handsets”, under the mission mode project, Govt. of India April 8-9, 2016, IIT Delhi, Title of the speech: Study The Effect Of Electromagnetic Radiations On Biological Cell / Tissues Using Computational Techniques of Image Analysis

19.Expert Lecture in the Intl. workshop “Public Health and Mobile Technologies: Latest Scientific Evidence”  : Part of  Cell Tower Radiation Program at IIT Delhi, 23-25th March, 2017

20. Expert Speaker, National Tsing Hua University : NTHU, Taiwan , R.O.C. 27th Dec. 2017.

Title of the talk: Computer Vision Based System Design For Bio Medical Applications and Cell Image Analysis to identify the deformation and cell death

21. Expert Lecture on “*Soft Computing Techniques and its Applications”
under TEQIP-III during on 19th January 2019.* at Madhav Institute of Technology under RGVP , Bhopal.

22.  Expert Lecture on Analysis of Biomedical  Data  Using  Image  Processing  and  Soft Computing  Methods for Diagnostic  Application,  SERB -DST (GOVT. OF INDIA) SPONSORED NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS ,  16th OCT. 2017, JAMIA HAMDARD UNIVERSITY ,

23. Expert Lecture on," Automation in Harvesting : Applications of Computer Vision Based Techniques In Agriculture: FDP Seminar on IOT based SMART Village, 21st July, 2019 at ABV IIITM Gwalior.

24. Workshop Organizer , session chair and speaker in  IEEE BIBM, San Diego , USA 2019

24. Expert Speaker in 11th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, November 18-21, 2021 in Beijing, China.




Abroad Visit as speaker , Session Chair and other academic assignments

2006, October Bulgaria as Invited Speaker
2008 , Hawai. Honolulu, USA IEEE MIC 2008 as Contributory Speaker
2010, Hongkong, IEE BIBM 2010, December as Contributory Speaker
2011, Nevada, July, USA, Worldcomp 2011 as Session Chair and Speaker
2013 Nevada, July USA, WorldComp 2013 as Session Chair and Speaker
2014 Belfast, November , UK, IEEE BIBM 2014 as Session Chair and Speaker
2015 Washington DC, USA, IEE BIBM 2015 as workshop organizer, session chair and speaker, November
2015 Hongkong ISCMI 2015, as organizer, session chair, speaker, co ordinator INNS India Chapter, November
2017 IEEE BIBM as session Chair , November 13th-16 th at Kansas, USA
2017 : NTHU, Taiwan , R.O.C. Expert Speaker 27th Dec. 2017.
2018 , NTHU, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2018

2018 at MicroTas (Chemical & Biological Micro system society) Conference Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC,  as presenter

2019 IEEE BIBM San Diego , California, USA, 18-21 Nov. as  Speaker


Consulting and Administrative Positions

External Examiner : University of Calcutta, WB
External Examiner : Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad , UP
3 .Member Executive Council, West Bengal University of Technology
4. Engineering College Inspector under West Bengal University of Technology
5. Member of AICTE expert team as university representative of West Bengal University
of Technology
6. Educationist Member of “Vidyalaya Management Committee” of Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sanghathan, KV1, Salt Lake , Kolkata, West Bengal.
7. External examiner of Chattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University.
8. Academic Senate member ABV IIITM Gwalior
9. Warden, Girls’ Hostel, Gangotri, ABV-IIITM, since Aug. 2010.

Member of Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society
Member of the coordinating Network of National Brain Research Centre
Member International Association of Pattern recognition (IAPR)
Member of Indian Society for Fuzzy Mathematics and Information Processing (ISFUMIP)
Life Member of Indian Academy of Neuroscience (IAN)



Publication in Peer Reviewed International Journal

  1. G Kaur, Member, P Chanak, M Bhattacharya, Obstacle Aware Intelligent Fault Detec- tion Scheme for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Online First December 2021. (DOI 10.1109/TII.2021.3133347, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IF=10.215.
  2. G Kaur, Member, P Chanak, M Bhattacharya, A Green Hybrid Congestion Management Scheme for IoT-enabled WSNs” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022.
  3. Mukta Sharma, AyushMandloi, and Mahua Bhattacharya, “A Novel DeepML Framework for Multi-classification of Breast Cancer based on Transfer Learning“accepted in International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiely, 2022 (SCI, IF= DOI: 10.1002/ima.22745
  4. R Shanker and Bhattacharya, “Classification of brain MR images using Modified version of Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network and Linear Programming Twin Support Vector
    Machines”(published online March 2022 ) J  of  Supercomputing, Springer (I.F. 2.6) 2022.
  5. Ravi Shanker and Mahua Bhattacharya, ”Automated Diagnosis system for detection of the pathological brain using Fast version of Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network and Twin Support Vector Machine,”Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, pp. 1-24, May 2021. [SCI, I.F- 2.757]
  6. G Kaur, Member, P Chanak, M Bhattacharya, Energy-Efficient Intelligent Routing Scheme for IoT-Enabled WSNs, IEEE Internet of Things Journal , vol. 8, no. 14, July 15, 2021, pp: 11440-11449 (I.F.11.705
  7. Shanker R and Mahua Bhattacharya , “An automated Computer-Aided Diagno- sis system for classification of MR images using texture features and Gbest- Guided Gravitational Search Algorithm,”Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering,:40, Elsevier, pp:815-835, 2020. (IF : 4.314)
  8. Mukta Sharma and Mahua Bhattacharya, “Discrimination and Quantification of Live/Dead Rat Brain Cells using Non-Linear Segmentation ModelMedical & Biological Engineering &Computing ,Springer -Verlag , pp: 1-20, : Mar 19, 2020. (IF: 2.6)
  1. G Kaur, P Chanak, and M Bhattacharya, “Memetic Al- gorithm Based Data Gathering Scheme for IoT-Enabled WirelessSensor Networks”IEEE Sensors Journal, v 20, no. 19, Oc- tober ,pp: 11725-11734, 2020 , (IF: 3. 78 )
  2. Mukta Sharma, VenkanagoudaS.Goudar, Manohar Prasad Koduri, Fan Gang Tseng, Mahua Bhattacharya, "Quantitative and qualitative analysis of in-vitro co-culture 3D tumor spheroid model by employing image processing techniques", Applied Sciences, vol. 11 no. 10, pp.4636., 2021. [SCI Indexed, IF: 2.679] [DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11104636]
  3. ChinmayRane, Raj Mehrotra; Subhuman Bhattacharyya; Mukta Sharma; Mahua Bhat- tacharya, “A Novel Attention Fusion Network based Framework to Ensemble the Predictions of CNNs for Lymph Node Metastases Detec- tion”, J of Supercomputing, Springer , 2020 (Ac- cepted) (Published   online   on 21st Sept. 2020, The Journal of Supercomputing https:// doi.org/10.1007/s11227-020-03432-6 ) (IF: 2.6)
  4. Shanker R and Bhattacharya M. , “Brain tumor segmentation of normal and le- sion tissues using hybrid clustering and hierarchical centroid shape descriptor”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Taylor & Francis, 24:1-4. pp. 1-14, (IF: 2.03)
  5. Ravi Shanker and Mahua Bhattacharya, “Brain tumor segmentation of normal and lesion tissues using hybrid clustering and hierarchical centroid shape descriptor”, in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Taylor & Francis (Impact Factor 1. 97 ). [Accepted for Publication] 2019.
  6. Manish Kashyap & Mahua Bhattacharya, “ Blur robust extremal region-based interest points for medical image registration”,  Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer (IF 1.41), Vol 21 (1), pp:  45-56,  2018.
  7. Arpita Das,  Mahua Bhattacharya,  “ Study   on   Neuro-Degeneration   at   Different   Stages  Using   MR  Images :  Computational   Approach    to    Registration   Process   with    Optimization  Techniques” ,  in  Computer  Methods  in  Biomechanics  and  Biomedical  Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Taylor and Francis, (IF 1.97). vol. 5, no. 3, pp: 165–182, 2017.
  8. Manish Kashyap , Mahua Bhattacharya, “A density invariant approach to clustering”, Neural Computing & Applications, Springer , 2017,  Vol 28, No. 7, pp: 1695-1713, DOI 10.1007/s00521-015-2145-z  (IF 4.664).
  9. Nagaraju,  Manish Kashyap,  Mahua Bhattacharya, “An Effective Density Based  Approach  to Detect Complex  Data  Clusters Using  Notion  of   Neighborhood  Difference" International Journal  of  Automation  and  Computing, Springer , (Special Issue on Emergent Control and Computing Techniques for Industrial Applications), 14(1), February,  pp: 57-67, 2017.
  10. Manish Kashyap  &  Mahua Bhattacharya,  “ Detectors  and  Descriptors  for  Registration of Illumination Varying, Globally Distorted Images”  International   Journal  of  Computers and Applications,  Taylor and Franscis, (Special Issue on Computational Intelligence and Communications), Vol 38, issue2-3, pp: 75-81, 2016).
  11.  P S  Rana,   Mahua  Bhattacharya ,  A Shukla,  “Quality assessment of modelled protein structure   using    physicochemical  properties”,   Journal  of   Bioinformatics   and   Computational  Biology, World Scientific, Vol 13, issue 2  (imperial college press, ), (DOI: 10.1142/S0219720015500055) 2015, (IF : 0.931).
  12. Arpita  Das and Mahua  Bhattacharya,  “Development  of  CAD  System  for  Analysis  of  Vague  Set  theory based  Contrast Enhancement Technique  in  Mammograms”   in International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems | , IOS press,  vo.11, No.4 , pp  227-240, 2014.
  13. Dharmveer  Singh  Rajput,  P. K. Singh and  Mahua Bhattacharya, “PROFIT: A Projected Clustering Technique”  Annals of Information Systems,  Springer-Switzerland, vol. 17, pp: 51-70, 2015
  14. P. S.Rana, S. k. Jain, Mahua Bhattacharya, A. Shukla, “Structure stability analysis of Nin(n=2-22) using Nature Inspired Algorithms: A performance study”,  International  J of Advanced Intelligence Paradigns, Indrscience , Vol 5, No.1 pp: 16-33, 2013.
  15. A Das, M Bhattacharya, “Multiresolution framework based global optimization technique for multimodal image registration”, Communications in Computer andInformation Science (Intelligent Interactive Technologies and Multimedia,  Vol. 276 CCIS , pp. 336-347, Springer Verlag, 2013.
  16. Mahua   Bhattacharya,  Arpita  Das,  “ Study  on  Human  Brain  Registration  Process Using  Mutual  Information  and  Evolutionary  Algorithms” , Computational Intelligence in Image Processing, Springer Verlag,Part 3, pp: 187-199, 2013.
  17. Mahua Bhattacharya  and   M.  Chandana,  “Analytical  Assessment  of  Intelligent  Segmentation   Techniques   For    Cortical  Tissues  of  MR  Brain  Images: A  Comparative Study”  Artificial  Intelligence  Review, Springer, Vol.37, No.1, pp: 69-81, (IF 5.095), 2012.
  18. Mahua Bhattacharya, Arpita Das, M. Chandana:, “GA-based multiresolution fusion of segmented brain images using PD-, T1- and T2-weighted MR modalities”, Neural Computing and Applications 21(6): 1433-1447 (2012), (IF 4.664).
  19. Gaurav, D.  Shakina  Deiv, G. K.Sharma,  Mahua Bhattacharya,  “Development  of  Application  Specific Continuous Speech Recognition System in Hindi”, International   J  of  Signal  and  Information  Processing, Scientific Research USA, Vol. 3, No. 3,  pp: 394-401, 2012. (IF 0.94)
  20. Koushik Pal,  G. Ghosh,  Mahua  Bhattacharya, “Data Authentication and Recovery through    Digital Watermarking using Bit Replacement and Majority Algorithm Technique”  J  of  Intelligent  Learning  Systems  and  Applications,  Scientific Research, USA, Vol 4, No. 3  pp:199-206, (IF 1.13) , 2012.
  21. Koushik Pal, G.Ghosh, Mahua Bhattacharya, “Biomedical Image Watermarking in Wavelet Domain for Data Integrity Using Bit Majority Algithm and Multiple Copies of Hidden Information”, American  Journal  of  Biomedical Engineering,  Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA, 2(2): pp: 29-37, ( DOI: 10.5923/j.ajbe.20120202.06 ) 2012.
  22. Koushik Pal ,  G Ghosh,  Mahua Bhattacharya, “Biomedical image watermarking for medical data security using modified bit replacement algorithm in spatial domain” International Journal of  Applied Engineering, IJAE, Singapore, vol 2, issue 3, pp: 158-169, 2012.
  23. Arpit  Srivastava ,  Abhinav Asati ,  Mahua   Bhattacharya,  “Hybrid  Softcomputing Model for Lesion  Identification: Some Case Studies”, International J of Data Mining and Bioinformatics,  Inderscience, USA 6, No. 3, pp: 335 -353, 2012 (IF 0.66).
  24. Dharmveer  Singh Rajput,  P  K Singh and  Mahua Bhattacharya, “Extension of  MAFCA for Projected Clustering”, in  International  Journal  of  Information  Science,   Vol 2, No. 2/3, pp.117 – 136, 2012.
  25. Dharmveer  Singh  Rajput, P K Singh and Mahua Bhattacharya, “ Reduct and Variance based Clustering of High Dimensional Dataset” LNCS Springer, vol. no. 6411,pp: 75-79, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Germany, 2012
  26. Dharmveer Singh Rajput, P K Singh and Mahua Bhattacharya, “IQRAM: A High Dimensional Data Clustering Technique”,  ) in  International  Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining,  Inderscience, Vol. 2, Nos. 2/3,  pp: 117-135, 2012.
  27. Shakina  Deiv,  Gaurav,  Mahua Bhattacharya, “ Automatic  Gender  Identification  for  Hindi Speech  Recognition”  International  J  of Computer Applications,  New York, USA, Volume 31, No.5, pp: 1-8,  October, 2011. (IF 0.8).
  28. Arpita Das  and  Mahua  Bhattacharya   “Affine Based  Registration of  CT and MR Modality Images  of  Human  Brain  using  Multiresolution Approaches:  Comparative Study on Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization", Neural  Computing & Applications,  Springer -Verlag  London,  No. 2, vol. 20 March, pp: 223 -237,  2011, (IF 4.664).
  29. Mahua Bhattacharya  and  Arpita Das,  Naveen Sharma,  Baibhav  Goel,  Sagar Vatia ,  “ A  Study  on  Genetic  Algorithm  Based   Hybrid  Softcomputing   Model  for   Benignancy / Malignancy  Detection   of   Masses  Using  Digital  Mammogram”,   Intl.  Journal   of  Computational  Intelligence and Applications, World  Scientific , Imperial Press Vol. 10. , No.2, pp: 141 – 165,  2011.
  30. Dharmveer  Singh  Rajput,  P. K. Singh and Mahua Bhattacharya, “Projective Clustering Technique using Analysis of  Variance”  International J  of  Data Warehousing and Mining, vol. 1, issue 1. pp:  106 -114, 2010.
  31. Arpita Das  and  Mahua  Bhattacharya, “ Computerized  Decision Support System for Mass Identification  in  Breast  Using  Digital  Mammogram: A Study  on  GA Based Neuro Fuzzy Approaches” --- Advances in  Experimental  Medicine  and  Biology,  AEMB, Springer (Special Issue:  Software tools and algorithms for biological systems  ,  696,  Part 6,  pp: 523 - 533,  2011. (IF 2.125).
  32. Mahua  Bhattacharya and   Arpita  Das, “ Multimodality Medical Image Registration and Fusion Techniques Using Mutual Information and Genetic Algorithm Based Approaches” Advances in  Experimental  Medicine  and  Biology, AEMB, Springer, volume 696, part 6,  pp: 441-449, (IF 2.125).
  33. Mahua  Bhattacharya and  Arpita Das, “Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection In a Recognition Scheme Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Techniques” in J of Computers,  Communications  and  Control ( Automation & Control System), vol.5, no. 4, pp: 458 -468, 2010.  (IF 1.58)
  34. Mahua Bhattacharya and  Arpita Das, “Identification  of Tiny and  Large  Calcification  in Breast: A  Study  on  Mammographic  Image Analysis”   J of Bioinformatics Research & Applications, Inderscience, Switzerland, Vol.6, No. 4, pp: 418-437, 2010 .
  35. M. Bhattacharya  & A.Das, “Identification of Microcalcifications and Grading of Masses using Digital Mammogram” in International  J  of  Medical Engineering & Informatics, Inderscience, USA,  Vol 2, No.2, pp: 122 -138, 2010.
  36. Arpita Das  & Mahua Bhattacharya, “Detection of Benignancy / Malignancy of Tumor Mass Appearing in Mammogram Using Vague Set Approach” Springer LNCS, Intelligent Human Computer Interaction IHCI, pp: 261-267, 2010.
  37. Kala, H. Vazani, N. Khanwalkar, M.Bhattacharya, “Evolutionary Radial Basis Function Network For Classificatory Problems”,  International J of  Computer Science & Applications, Vol. 7,  No. 4,  pp: 34 -49,  2010.
  38. Mahua Bhattacharya&  Arpita  Das, “ Identification  and  classification  of  tumor / cancer  lesion appearing   in  brain  using  CT  and  MR  images:  study  on adaptive  neuro  fuzzy  systems In  International J of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering,  3, No.1 January-June, pp: 51-61, 2009.
  39. Mahua Bhattacharya & Arpita  Das, “Soft Computing  Based Decision Making Approach  for Tumor Mass Identification Detected in Mammogram” in International Journal of Bioinformatics  Research, Vol.1, issue 2, pp:37-48,  2009.
  40. Arpita Das  and  Mahua Bhattacharya, “ A Novel Vague Set Approach  for Selective Contrast Enhancement   of   Mammograms  using  Multiresolution” J of Biomedical Science and Engineering, pp: 575-581, vol.2, no.8, (ISSN Print: 1937-6871 DOI:10.4236/ jbise.2009.22013) , Scientific Research   Publishing, Inc, USA
  41. Mahua Bhattacharya and  Arpita  Das, “Registration  of   Multimodality  Medical  Imaging  of   Brain Using  Particle  Swarm  Optimization”   Intelligent Human Computer Interaction,Springer Part 3,  pp: 131-139,
  42. A. Das &M. Bhattacharya, “ FPGA based Embedded System For Medical Image Enhancement   Technique Used in Mask Mode Radiography”, International Journal of Computers, Information  Technology and Engineering,  vol 1, No.2  pp: 61 -69, December, 2007.
  43. Dutta Majumder &Mahua  Bhattacharya, “Cybernetic Approach To Medical Technology :   Application To Cancer Screening And Other Diagnostics”,  Millennium Volume of  Kybernetes , International  Journal of Systems & Cybernetes, MCB publications, Emerald,  UK, Vol. 29 ,  No. 7/8 , pp : 871-895, 2000  ( Frank  George  Research award Winning Paper ).
  44. Mahua Bhattacharya  &  D. Dutta Majumder , “ Registration of CT and MR  Images of  Alzheimer's Patient: A   Shape Theoretic Approach” Pattern  Recognition  Letters,  Elsevier 21, issue 6 –7 , pp: 531- 548, 2000.  (IF: 1.995).
  45. Dutta Majumder &M. Bhattacharya, “A  Shape Based Study of the Bone Erosion  Process In Osteoporosis Using Radiological Images”, Int.  Journal  of  Image Processing and   Communications, Warsaw - Ploand, Vol 5, number 2, pp: 39-55, 1999.
  46. Dutta Majumder &M. Bhattacharya, “A New Shape Based Technique For   Classification and  Registration  : Application to Multimodal Medical Images”, Int. Journal of  Image Processing and Communications ,  Warsaw Poland, No. 3-4, Vol.4. pp:45-70, 1999.
  47. D Dutta Majumder and M Bhattacharya, “A Multimodal Medical Image  Processing System for Therapeutic  Planning”,  Society  of  Management  Science and Applied Cybernetics, Jan.12-13, 1998. (SCIMA), SCIMA,  Vol 25, (Silver Jubilee Special Issue),  pp: 45-72,
  48. Dutta Majumder &M. Bhattacharya “ Registration and Fusion of  CT, T1 and T2  Weighted   MR  Images of Brain of Alzheimer's Patient”, Journal of  Computer  Science and Informatics,  Computer   Society of India,  CSI, No. 3-4, Vol 4, pp: 12-22, 1997.

Lecture Notes and Other Publications  in Book

Medhavi Verma, Mahua Bhattacharya, “Tumor Mass Identification Based on Surface Analysis and Fractal Dimensions”  Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, Volume 150, pp 173-180, 2013.

Koushik Pal, G.Ghosh, Mahua  Bhattacharya , “A novel digital image watermarking scheme for data security using bit replacement and majority algorithm technique”- in INTECH – Open Access Publication, Watermarking Book 1 ,ISBN- 979-953-307-583-8., pp: 117-132,  2012.

Mahua Bhattacharya, D. Dutta Majumder “ Knowledge Based Approach to Medical Image Processing”  in ‘Pattern Directed Information Analysis (Algorithms, Architecture & Applications, publisher : New Age International Wiley,  pp:454-486,  2008.

D. Dutta Majumder &Mahua Bhattacharya, “Study on Mathematical Tools and Techniques for Medical Image analysis: A Bio Cybernetics Approach’ - Mathematical Models  for Bioengineering   and Probabilistic Systems”, pp : 54 – 101, Narosa Publishing House, 2005.

M.Bhattacharya  & D.Dutta Majumder, “Fusion  of  Multimodal Medical Images Using Dempster Shafer Evidential Reasoning”, Fuzzy Set theory and Its Mathematical Aspects & Applications’, pp:   81 -86 , Allied Publishers, 2003.

Koushik Pal, G.Ghosh, Mahua Bhattacharya, “Biomedical Watermarking: An Emerging and Secure Tool for Data Security and Better Tele-diagnosis in Modern Health Care System"  in "Research Developments in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Methodologies and Applications" by IGI Global, USA, 2013.

P. S.Rana, H. Sharma, M. Bhattacharya and A Shukla:  “Guided Reproduction in Differential Evolution” ,   9th International Conference, SEAL , Hanoi, Vietnam, December 16-19,  Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7673 Springer, pp: 117-127,  2012.

Pranshu Agrawal, Gaurav Ojha , Mahua Bhattacharya.,  “A Generic Algorithm for Segmenting a Specified Region of Interest Based on Chanvese’s Algorithm and Active Contours” , Artificial Intelligence  and  Evolutionary  Computations  in  Engineering  Systems, volume 394 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, pp 239-247,  06 February 2016.

Sandeep Kumar, Manish Kashyap, Akashdeep Saluja, Mahua Bhattacharya, “Segmentation of Cotton Bolls by Efficient Feature Selection Using Conventional Fuzzy C Means Algorithm With Perception  of  Colour” ,  In  Book series  by Springer - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ASIC,  vol 1, pp 731-742, 2016.

Swaraj Singh Pal, Sandeep Kumar, Danish Kashyap, Yogesh Choudhary, Mahua Bhattacharya, “Multilevel Thresholding  Segmentation  approach  based  on  Spider Monkey  Optimization Algorithm”, In Book series by Springer - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ASIC,   vol 2, pp 273-288, 2016.

Prateek Agarwal, Rahul Singh,Sandeep Kuma, Mahua Bhattacharya, “Social Spider Algorithm Employed Multi-level Thresholding Segmentation Approach”  In  Book Chapter  by Springer,  of   the  series  Smart  Innovation, Systems  and Technologies, vol.  51, pp 249-259, 2016.

R. Singh, M. Sharma and M. Bhattacharya, “Segmentation of Heavily Clustered Cell Nuclei in Histopathological Images”, Lecture notes in Computational Vision & Biomechanics, Springer, pp. 244-254, ISSN: 2212-9391, 2017.

Shanker R., Bhattacharya Mahua “Brain Tumor Segmentation of Normal and Pathological Tissues Using K-mean Clustering with Fuzzy C-mean Clustering”. In: Tavares J., Natal Jorge R. (eds) Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, vol 27. Springer, pp:286-296, Cham. Porto, Portugal. 2018.

Kumar A, Agham P, Shanker R, Bhattacharya Mahua, “Study of Image Segmentation Techniques on Microscopic Cell Images of Section of Rat Brain for Identification of Cell Body and Dendrite” , InInformation Systems Design and Intelligent Applications: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 672, 2018 (pp. 452-462). Springer -Nature, Singapore.

Bilenia A, Sharma D, Raj H, Raman R, Bhattacharya M, “ Brain Tumor Segmentation with Skull Stripping and modified C Means” , Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems, pp: 229-237, 2019, Springer Nature, Singapore.

 Mukta Sharma, Ambuj Mishra, Rahul Verma and Mahua Bhattacharya, “A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Breast Cancer using Histopathological Image Data Identifying Most Efficient Magnification Factor Number (accepted for publication) High Performance Vision Intelligence: Recent Advancements, Springer, 2019


Published  / accepted Texts in International Conferences 

D.Dutta Majumder &Mahua Bhattacharya “Cybernetic Approach To Medical Technology For Diagnosis and Therapy Planning”, Eleventh International Congress of Cybernetics and  Systems organised by World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, (WOSC) August, Brunel University, Uxbridge Middlesex, West London, UK 1999.  pp : 103-109, Editor : Prof. R. Vallee, 1999.
D Dutta Majumder and M Bhattacharya, “Uncertainty Management in  Multimodal Image Fusion  System for Diagnosis and Therapy Planning”,  International  Conference. on Recent Advances in  Statistics and  Probability,  (Indian Statistical Institute & Bernoulli  Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Calcutta, Dec.29 - Jan 1,1997.
D.Dutta Majumder &M. Bhattacharya, “Soft Computing Methods  for Uncertainty Management  in Multimodal Image Registration and  Fusion  Problems”,  Intl. Conf. of Information Sciences JCIS -98. October, in  Proceedings, North Carolina, Duke University, USA, 1998
M Bhattacharya& D Dutta Majumder, “A Shape Based Approach  to Automated Screening of Malignancy in Tumors in Tomography and Other Related Images'', IETE Conf. NASELSOM, 1997.
D.Dutta Majumder and M Bhattacharya, “Multimodal  Data Fusion for Alzheimer's Patients Using Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence'', 3rd  Asian  Fuzzy Systems Symposium 1998, Korea,  Proceedings pp: 713-719, 1998. 
D Dutta Majumder and M Bhattacharya, “A Multimodal  Medical  Image  Processing System for Diagnosis and  Therapy  Planning'',  Intl. Conf. on Computers and Devices for  Communication, Jan.14-17, 1998, Calcutta,  India, (CODEC 1998). 
M.Bhattacharya and D.Dutta Majumder ‘Breast Cancer Screening Using Mammographic Image Analysis'  Sixteen International CODATA (France) Conference  (8-12 Nov  1998, Delhi).
M.Bhattacharya& D. Dutta Majumder “Multi Resolution Medical Image  Registration using Mutual Information and Shape Theory”, Fourth International Conf. on advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques ICAPRDT ’99 ( IAPR), Proceedings, pp:175-178,  Dec 28-31, Narosa publishing , Delhi –London1999.
Mahua Bhattacharya& D.Dutta Majumder, “Fusion of Medical Images Using Soft Computing Approach”,  ICCD -2000 ( International Conference  on Communications, Computers and Devices ) Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur , December 14-16, Allied Publishers Vol II, pp: 407-410, 2000. 
M.Bhattacharya  & D.Dutta Majumder,  “ Neuroplasticity & Alzheimer’s Diseases : A Study on Human Brain Understanding”,  International Conference on Theoretical Neurobiology, National Brain research Centre, New Delhi, 24 -26 Feb, 2002.
Mahua Bhattacharya, “Development   of   Medical   Expert   System   for Human  Brain Understanding :  Case   Studies  for Malignancy  in  CNS  and Degeneracy  for  Alzheimer’s   Disease Using   Neuro Imaging” , 2003 International Symposium on ‘Building the Brain’ Dec. 15-18, 2003, National Brain Research Centre, New Delhi. 
Mahua Bhattacharya, “Human Brain Understanding using Knowledge  Based  Approach : Degeneracy, Malignancy and Neuro Plasticity” accepted in proceedings in the International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communications, IEE- CODEC -04, ,January 1-3, 2004.
Mahua Bhattacharya , Subhodeep Ghosh ,  Samrat Guchhait, Amitava Dutta, “Development  of  Image  Processing  Based  Software to Diagnose  Bone Diseases  Using Conventional  Radiographs  : Some  Case  Studies”, accepted in proceedings in the International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communications, IEE - CODEC,  ,January 1-3, 2004.
Mahua Bhattacharya, “Medical Image Processing for Therapy Planning : Some Case Studies”  in Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing and Robotics- 2004, 20 -23 Feb, 2004 ,Allahabad, India
Mahua Bhattacharya, “A Study on Estimation of Degeneracy in Both Hard and Soft Tissue Region Using Medical Imaging”, in Proceedings XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI, Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale UK– USA- FRANCE ): Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India23-29 October, 2005. 
Mahua  Bhattacharya,  “New  Mathematical Approaches  to Study Abnormality  in Both Hard and Soft Tissue Regions for Therapeutic Planning”  (Invited Talk) Proceedings ‘Third International Conference of Applied Mathematics, Vol.3, pp: 293- 294,  Plovdiv , Bulgaria, 12th August - 18th August , 2006.
Mahua Bhattacharya&  A. Das, “Object Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network: Case Studies for Noisy and Noiseless Images”  in proceedings,  International conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing( IMVIP-06), Proceedings , pp:52 -59, 30th August-1st September, Ireland, Dublin University, UK , 2006. 
Mahua  Bhattacharya, “A Computer-Assisted Diagnostic Procedure For Digital Mammograms Using  Adaptive Neuro  Fuzzy Soft Computing” accepted  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California USA , 29th Oct -4th Nov , 2006.
M. Bhattacharya& A. Das,   “FPGA Based Embedded System for Medical Image Enhancement Technique Used in Mask Mode Radiography” accepted in proceedings IEEE- LEOS( Laser & Electro optics) CODEC 2006; (Intl. Conf on Computers and Devices for Communications) December, pp: 735-738, 2006. 
M. Bhattacharya and A. Das, “Fuzzy logic Based Segmentation of Microcalcification in   Breast Using Digital  Mammograms Considering Multiresolution”  International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, NUI Maynooth, Co, Kildarem Ireland, UK,proceedings,pp: 98-105, IEEE Computer Society, 5 -7 Sept, 2007.  
M. Bhattacharya,  “Development  for  An  Improved  Pattern Recognition Scheme Using Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection: A Study on Soft Computing Approaches” 4th International Conference of Applied Mathematics & Computing , Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 12th  – 18thAug.  proceedings  FICAM, pp: 49 -50, 2007. 
M. Bhattacharya  &  A.Das , “Discrimination for Malignant and Benign Masses in Breast Using  Mammogram: A Study on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches”  Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI), Pune 17 -19, proceedings, pp: 1007-1026, Decmber, 2007. 
M. Bhattacharya& A.Das, “Multi Resolution Medical Image Registration Using Maximization of Mutual Information & Optimization by Genetic Algorithm” accepted  IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, Honolulu,  Hawii, Oct.28 –Nov.3, proceedings, Vol.4, pp:  2961 -2964 ,2007, USA. 
M. Bhattacharya& A.Das, “Affine Registration by Intensity and Fuzzy Gradient Based Correlation Maximization” Accepted in IEEE 7th International conference on BioInformatics & BioEngineering, Oct 14 - 17, Harvard Medical College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2007.
M. Bhattacharya, “Computational Techniques For Investigation of Brain Diseases By  Registration  of  Multimodality Imaging”,  International Symposium on Advances in Neurosciences (Indian Academy of Neuroscience ), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, Nov 22 -25 Nov, 2007. 
Soumya  Kanti  Bhattacharya &  Mahua Bhattacharya,  “ Classification  and  Detection  of    Skin-Cancer  Using  Self-Organizing  Map” accepted  for oral presentation and in proceedings : International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-08),  7th  - 10th   July, Orlando, Florida, USA2008.
M Bhattacharya& A. Das, “A Study on Seeded Region Based Improved Watershed Transformation for Brain Tumor segmentation”, XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GA), August 7-16, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2008. 
A. Das & M.Bhattacharya, “GA Based Neuro Fuzzy Techniques for Breast Cancer     Identification”,International Machine Vision Image Processing, IEEE Computer Society proceedings pp:  136 – 141, 5th -7th Sept, Ireland, UK,  2008.
C. Belwal, J. Varshney, S. Ahmed Khan, A. Sharma &M. Bhattacharya, “ Hiding Sensitive Association   Rules   Efficiently  By   Introducing  New  Variable  Hiding  Counter”,    accepted  for  oral  presentation  and  in  proceedings,  IEEE International Conference on Service, Operations & Logistics and Informatics, proceedings, Vol. I, pp: 130-134, 12th – 15th Oct. Beijing, China 2008
Mahua  Bhattacharya, “Soft Computing Approach in Medical Image Analysis for Therapeutic Planning” (key note speech)  National Conference on Advancement  of  Technologies,  Mathura, UP,  24th -25th2009.
Saurabh Goel, Vikash Garg,  Prashant Ranjan, Satyanarayan Rao and Mahua Bhattacharya, “ASR System Integration with Asterisk for SIP or IAX Softphone Clients” accepted for oral presentation and in proceedings in International Conference IACSIT-SC 2009 (Intl. association of computer science and information technology- Spring Conf.) IEEE Computer Society,17, pp: 100-104 , Singapore, 17-20, April 2009.
N. Pandey &Mahua Bhattacharya, “Shape based image retrieval process using high level images”  in proceedings  Intl  conf.  on   Image and Vision Computing organized by WASET (world academy of science, engineering and technology), 24 -26 June, pp: 291-296, Paris,France 2009.   
Arpita  Das &Mahua  Bhattacharya,  “A Study on Prognosis of Brain Tumors Using Fuzzy Logic  and  Genetic Algorithm Based Techniques”  in proceedings by IEEE Computer Society in the   International Joint Conference on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing (IJCBS), 3 –6th August,  pp: 348-351, Sanghai, China, 2009. 
Ashok Vijay & Mahua Bhattacharya, “Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval Using the Generic Fourier Descriptor with Brightness” in proceedings International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV) by IEEE computer society, pp: 330-332,  28th -30th December,  Dubai UAE, 2009. 
Arpita Das &Mahua Bhattacharya, “Atanassov Fuzzy Model for Analyzing Selective Contrast Enhancement of Medical Images using Multiresolution”  accepted in IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, 25th -31th Oct. 2009, Orlando Florida, USA.
Arpita  Das  & Mahua  Bhattacharya, “Evolutionary  Algorithm Based Automated Medical Image Fusion Technique:  Comparative Study with Fuzzy Fusion Approach” accepted in  World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing NaBIC,  pp: 269-274, IEEE Systems in IEEEXplorer  )  December 9-11, 2009 , Coimbatore , India.
Arpita Das &Mahua  Bhattacharya, “Selective Contrast Enhancement of Space Occupying      Lesions in Brain using Vague Set Approach”   4th International Conference on Computers & Devices for Communication (CODEC 2009),proceedings by IEEEXplorer,  Calcutta, India, December 14 - 16,
Mahua Bhattacharya, “ The Computational Approaches for Computer Guided Cancer  Screening Using Mammography”  The 3rd World Cancer Congress 2010-Breast Cancer Conference, Shanghai·China. April , 2010.
Dharmveer Singh Rajput, P.K. Singh  and M . Bhattacharya,   “An Efficient and Generic Hybrid  Framework for High Dimensional Data Clustering”, International Conference on Data Mining &   Knowledge Engineering  ( ICDMKE 2010), WASET,  proceedings  pp: 339 - 344 Rome, April
Supratik Banerjee &Mahua  Bhattacharya, “ Segmentation of Brain Images Using MRI for Surface Determination in Surgical Planning” Proceedings Annals of Neurosciences (XXVII Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neuroscience), Vol.16, pp: 60 -61, December, 2009.
Kaushik Pal &Mahua  Bhattacharya, G. Ghosh,  “A  Novel  Digital  Watermarking  Scheme for Data Authentication using LSB Modification”, National Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBQT-2009)”, 22nd – 23rd Kolkata, pp-56-60, 2009.
Mahua Bhattacharya and  Arpita Das, “ Automated Medical Image Fusion : A  Comparative  Study  between GA  and  PSO  Based  Approaches”  Conf. on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, (BIOCOMP) Worldcomp , vol. 1 , pp: 398 – 403, 12-15th July, Nevada, USA, 2010.
Chandana  M.   and   Mahua Bhattacharya,  “Segmentation of  Brain MR Images  Using  Fuzzy -C Mean and Markov Random Field Approaches”, International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition  (IPCV), Worldcomp , 12-15th July, vol.  2, pp:  538-54 2,  Nevada, USA ,
Dharmveer  Singh  Rajput,  P. K. Singh and  Mahua Bhattacharya, “A New Technique for Feature Selection  and  Cluster  Center  Initialization”, 6thInternational Conference on Data  Mining ( DMIN) Worldcomp , 12-15th July,  pp:  119-125,  Nevada, USA, 2010. 
Satyanarayan Rao, K.K. Pattanaik, Bhattacharya,  “Toolkit  for Grid –Enabled High Resolution Grid Computing”  In proceedings , 2nd Intl. Conf. on Signal Processing Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Vol.3, pp: 724 -728,Dalian China, July  5-7th July , 2010. 
Saurav Goel  and Mahua  Bhattacharya,  “ Speech Based Dialog  Query  System  Over  Asterisk  PBX  Server, in proceedings ,  2nd Conf. on Signal Processing  Systems, IEEE Computer Society, vol. 3,  pp: 752 -756,   Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-6892-8,  Dalian China, July  5-7th July , 2010.
Supratik  Banerjee ,  Mahua   Bhattacharya, “ Segmentation of Medical Images Using Selective Binary and Gaussian Filtering Regularized  Level Set  Method”  , 3rd Conf. on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics  BMEI  2010,  IEEExplorer,  16-18th Oct,  China, Vol.2, pp: 541-545, 2010.
Dharmveer Singh Rajput, P K Singh and M Bhattacharya,  “An Efficient Dimensions Reduction and Optimal Clusters Centers Initialization Technique”, in proceedings International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN-2010), Bhopal, pp: 503-508 Published in IEEEXplore, November 2010.
Arpit Srivastava, Abhinav Asati, and Mahua Bhattacharya, “ A Fast and Noise-Adaptive Rough- Fuzzy  Hybrid  Algorithm  for  Medical  Image  Segmentation"    accepted as regular paper in IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine, BIBM 2010,  pp: 416 -421,  18th -21stDecember, 2010, Hongkong.
Arpit  Srivastava,  Abhinav Asati, and  Mahua Bhattacharya, "A Fast Hybrid Rough-Set  Theoretic  Fuzzy   Clustering   Technique   with   application  to  Multispectral  Image  Segmentation " in   proceeding   of    First  International  Conference  on  Intelligent  Interactive  Technologies  and Multimedia, ACM Digital Library, IITM pp:128-131, Allahabad, December, 27-30, 2010. 
Sandeep, Yash Kumar Sharma, and  Mahua Bhattacharya, “Curvelet Based Multi-Focus Medical Image  Fusion  Technique:  Comparative  Study  With  Wavelet  Based   Approach”  (accepted in proceedings and in oral presentation )  International  Conference  on  Image  Processing,  Computer  Vision,  and  Pattern  Recognition  (IPCV), Worldcomp, July,  Nevada, USA ,
Dharmveer  Singh  Rajput, P K Singh and M Bhattacharya, “ Feature   Selection  with  Efficient Initialization  of Clusters Centers For High Dimensional Data Clustering  in proceedings IEEE  Intl. Conf. on  Communication  Systems  and Network  Technologies, pp: 293 -297,
Dharmveer Singh Rajput, P K Singh and M Bhattacharya,  “An Efficient Technique for Clustering High  Dimensional  Data  Set”, in proceedings International  Conference  on 10th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE’11), WorldComp , 18-21 July, pp: 434 -440, Nevada, USA ,
Koushik Pal,  G.Ghosh, Bhattacharya “A Novel Biomedical Image Watermarking for Data Integrity using Multiple Copies of Hidden Information by DWT and Bit Majority Algorithm”- in National Conference on Pervasive Computing & Communications -NCPCC 2012, Kolkata, 2nd -3rd March, pp-125-130, 2012.
Koushik Pal,  G.Ghosh, Bhattacharya “Biomedical Image Watermarking for Content Protection  using  Multiple Copies of Information and Bit Majority Algorithm in Wavelet Domain” in IEEE SCEECS 2012, , Bhopal, Print ISBN:978-1-4673-1516-6, :  10.1109/SCEECS.2012.6184764, 1st - 2nd March,  2012.
Koushik Pal,  G.Ghosh, Bhattacharya, “A Novel Digital Image Watermarking Scheme for Data Security using  Bit Replacement and Majority Algorithm Technique” in UGC Sponsored National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Computer Science- ETCS 2012 Kolkata, 20th – 21st January,, pp-57-60, 2012.
Sharma, R. K. Behera, S. Bhatia, Mahua Bhattacharya,  “ Multiple Camera Based Surveillance” accepted as regular paper in  ICAI, Worldcomp, pp: 888-894, 2012, Nevada, USA.
Arpita Das  and  Mahua Bhattacharya, “ Development of Advanced Contrast Enhancement Technique for Mammographic Images”,  in proceedings, Second World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies  ( IEEE WICT 2012) at IIITM-Trivandrum, Kerala, Oct. 30- Nov. 02,  2012. 
Kaushik Pal,  Gautam Ghosh  and Mahua Bhattacharya, “Retrieval of Hidden Infected Region using Biomedical Image Watermarking  for  Tele-diagnosisto Ensure Better Treatment”  5th International Conference On Computers and Devices for Communication, Proceedings IEEEXplor,17 -19, 2012.
Arpit Srivastava, Jyoti Singhai and Mahua Bhattacharya, “Collaborative Rough-Fuzzy Clustering : An Application to Intensity Non-Uniformity Correction in Brain MR Images”, in Proceedings FUZZ IEEE,  doi:10.1109/fuzz-IEEE.2013.6622515, :pp: 1-6, 2013, Hyderabad, 2013.
61.P.K. Nigam, M Bhattacharya, “Colour vision deficiency correction  in  image  processing”  IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).,Sanghai China,  Dec. 18-21,  pp: 79- 82,  2013.
62. Ravi Kumar,   Mayank Punter,  Ishani Sharma,  Mahua Bhattacharya,  “Consignor is a Spammer”, Fourth Intl. Conf. on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), IEEE , pp:  631-634, 2014
63.P Kumari, D Shakina Deiv, M Bhattacharya, “Automatic  Speech  Recognition  of  accented  Hindi data” Computation of Power, Energy, Information and Communication (ICCPEIC), IEEE, pp: 68-76,  2014.
64.Mahua Bhattacharya, K Pal,  G Ghosh, “A  GUI  based  Smart  Breast Cancer Identification System for  Mammographic  Images  through  2nd  Level Secured Combined   Crypto-Watermarking” IEEE BIBM 2014, 2 -5th Nov. UK Belfast, 2014.
65.Swaraj Singh Pal, Sandeep Kumar, Manish Kashyap, Yogesh Choudhary,  Mahua Bhattacharya, “Multilevel Thresholding Segmentation approach based on Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm” (in press, Springer) Image and Video Processing Systems, 2nd Intl. Conf. on Computer and Communication Technologies. 24 -26th July 2015.
66.Sandeep Kumar, Manish Kashyap, Akashdeep Saluja,  Mahua Bhattacharya, “Segmentation of Cotton Bolls by Efficient Feature Selection Using Conventional Fuzzy C Means Algorithm With Perception of Color (in press, Springer)  Image and Video Processing Systems, 2nd Intl. Conf. on Computer and Communication Technologies. 24 -26th July 2015.
67.Pankhuri Agarwal, Sandeep Kumar, Rahul Singh, Prateek Agarwal, Mahua Bhattacharya, “A combination of bias-field corrected fuzzy c-means and level set approach for brain MRI image segmentation” (accepted in proceedings by IEEEXplor and for oral presentation), 2nd Intl. Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2015),  in Hong Kong, November 23-24, 2015.
68.Yogesh Choudhary,  Manish  Kashyap,  Sandeep Kumar,  Swaraj Singh Pal  and  Mahua Bhattacharya,    “Resolution Enhancement of Single Image by Using Multiple Training Images” accepted in IPCV, WorldComp 2015, Nevada, USA.
69.Manish Kashyap and Mahua Bhattacharya, “ On global transform preservation by region based interest points for image registration”   IEEE  International  Conference  on  Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN), DOI: 10.1109/ICRCICN.2015.7434210, Kolkata, pp: 61-65 , (20-22 Nov) , (Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-6734-9), 2015.
70.Nagaraju S,Manish kashyap,Sandeep kumar, Mahua Bhattacharya,  “Affinity based seeded region growing for medical image segmentation”  Intl. Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'15), Dec. 16-19, Trivandrum, India, pp:725-730,  2015. 978-1-4673-7309-8/15/$31.00 ©2015  IEEE
71.Mahua Bhattacharya, Koushik Pal, Goutam Ghosh, Som Shuvra Mandal, “Generation of novel encrypted code using cryptography for multiple level data security for Electronic Patient Record” , IEEE Conf.  BIBM (Intl. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 9-12 Nov.  Washinton DC, USA, 2015, Page(s):916 – 921.
72.Arpita Das ; Mahua Bhattacharya, “Effective image fusion method to study Alzheimer's disease using MR, PET images”, IEEE Conf.  BIBM (Intl. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 9-12 Nov.), Washinton DC, USA,2015, Page(s):1603 – 1607.
73. Nagaraju, S., Kashyap, M., Kumar, S., Bhattacharya, M. , “Affinity based seeded region growing algorithm for medical image segmentation”, 2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications, CoCoNet 2015 , pp. 725-730
74.Agarwal, P., Kumar, S., Singh, R., Agarwal, P., Bhattacharya, M. , “A Combination of Bias-Field Corrected Fuzzy C-Means and Level Set Approach for Brain MRI Image Segmentation ”, Proceedings - 2015 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence, ISCMI 2015 , pp. 84-87
75.Kashyap, M., Bhattacharya, M. “On global transform preservation by region based interest points for image registration”, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, ICRCICN 2015, pp. 61-65
 76.Kashyap, M<

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