Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

सफलता की कहानी - उद्यमियों का विकास करना

1. Gwalior7.Com


Gwalior7 is an E-Commerce platform which brings all the retail stores online, one city at a time founded by Ankit Shukla


To help seller as well as cutomers to shop onlione without the barriers of technology and finance


Gwalior7.com provides a complete range of solutions facing the ever increasing client and market challenges.

Gwalior7.com provides highly profound services that include-

  • Delivery within seven hours.
  • Shop online without internet.
  • Fastest E-commerce experience owing to dedicated servers and optimizations.
  • Buy online from your trusted offline stores.
  • Web Application .
  • Mobile Application .
  • SMS Application



Room No. 114,First floor, E-Block, TIIC,ABV-IIITM, Gwalior

2. Decent Solutions


Decent Solutions is a professional software company offering exclusive and affordable services for business from all around the world .
Company focus on designing smart websites that are easy to navigate and they visually appealing their designer incorporate solid graphics design.


Decent Solutions provides a complete range of solutions facing the ever increasing client and market challenges .The process involved are highly professional and can assure you.

Decent Solutions provides highly profound services that include-

  • Software designing.
  • Website designing .
  • Flash and multimedia graphic designing .
  • Corporate profiles and Presentations .
  • Logo and poster designing.
  • Web template.
  • E-cards.
  • Tutorials.



Decent solutions

e-mail: info@decent.co.in

3. Pumpkinpot.com


Pumpkinpot.com, is an IT company, Working on android application in healt sectors.


  • Providing complete web solutions
  • To develop, implement, convert, export, import, manufacture, distribute, sell, buy, alter, exchange, maintain, let on hire and otherwise deal in computer software, hardware and other similar equipment.
  • To conduct research, design, develop, engineer, alter, exchange or process in any manner manufacture (whether directly or by sub-contract), either as principal or agents,  import and export, sell or rent machinery and equipment of computer as also sub-assemblies and all other parts and components hereof as on independent or integral activity, related to data processing and other related equipment.
  • To render Services to companies in india and abroad in the area of Software development, E-Commerce, M-Commerce, Information Technology, Internet Technology, Communication Industry, and Industries Business and activities facilated directly or indirectly by Information Technology or Internet Technology.
  • To manage and function systems integration services for both hardware and software, networking services, hardware and software support services.
  • To advise and render services like technical analysis of data-electronic data processing, preparation of project reports, surveys and analysis for implementation of projects and their progress review critical path analysis, organization and methods studies and other economic, mathematical, statistical, scientific and to undertake assignments, jobs and appoints and to to enter into any contracts in relation thereto.
  • To establish and operate data and information processing centers and bureaus and to render service to customer in India and elsewhere by processing their job at data processing centre and giving out computer machine time.
  • To hold seminars, courses, business conference for training in computer operations, data entry operation and other activities related to computers within India and abroad to enable people to develop their computer skills thus providing them with better opportunities in the industry, either singly or in collaboration with any other organization, institution, body corporate.

हमसे जुडे

एबीवी-भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और प्रबंधन संस्थान ग्वालियर, मोरेना लिंक रोड, ग्वालियर, मध्य प्रदेश, भारत, 474015

  • dummy info@iiitm.ac.in

वेबसाइट में खोजें
